Category Archives: Fixed Gear Academia

A Brief History of Alleycats

Alleycats, are informal urban cycling races that have a rich history rooted in the culture of fixed gear bicycles (fixies) and the subcultures surrounding them. These events have evolved over time, starting as underground races in the streets of cities worldwide and gaining popularity as a unique form of urban cycling competition and social gathering. To delve into the history of fixie alleycats, we need to explore the origins of fixed gear bicycles, the emergence of alleycats, their cultural significance, and how they have evolved to become a global phenomenon.

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The Novices of Sprockets

Chapter 1: The Dawn of the Spins

In the labyrinthine streets of the metropolis, amidst the blare of horns and the chatter of pedestrians, there stood a modest bike co-op. Its walls adorned with graffiti and its shelves lined with tools, it was a sanctuary for the Spinners of the Sprocket—a place where they could gather to tune their bikes and swap stories of their urban adventures.

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The Most Precious Cog

Chapter 1: The Revelation of the Fixed Gear

In the tumultuous annals of urban cycling, where the streets were overrun with a cacophony of clanking chains and whirring gears, there emerged a revelation that would forever alter the course of two-wheeled history. Amidst the chaos and confusion, a group of intrepid cyclists sought solace in simplicity, shunning the complexities of modern bike technology in favour of a purer, more primal form of transportation – the Fixed Gear bicycle.

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Moby Bike: A Tracklocross Obsession

Chapter 1: In Which We Meet Our Hero, Ishmael

Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse and nothing particular to interest me in the cycling world, I thought I would ride about a little and see the tracklocross part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before track bikes and bringing up the rear of every group ride I encounter; and especially whenever my hygienist assures me it’s time to get out more, then, I account it high time to get on my bike as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball.

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Chapter 1: The Obsession Begins

The summer sun beat down upon the sprawling expanse of this year’s cycling expo, casting a golden hue upon the gathered cyclists and their trusty steeds. Amidst the chatter of excited riders and the hum of anticipation, my eyes were drawn to her – Delia Phaze, a Surly Steamroller tracklocross bike, standing amidst a sea of carbon frames and brightly coloured rims like a dark goddess amidst mere mortals.

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To The Core

Chapter 1: The Inexplicable Fixation

In the hustle and bustle of the modern city, where bike messengers ruled the streets with their fixed gear bicycles, there lived a man named Arnold Stirling. Arnold was an ordinary man with an extraordinary obsession: fixed gear bikes. His entire world revolved around the sleek frames, minimalist designs, and the mesmerising spin of the cog.

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Action-Based Theories of Perception: A Focus on Tracklocross

Perception is a fascinating and intricate process that has intrigued philosophers, scientists, and psychologists for centuries. The conventional understanding of perception is that it is a passive process in which the brain receives and interprets sensory information. However, in recent times, action-based theories of perception have become more popular, as they highlight the active participation of the perceiver in shaping their perceptual experience.

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Spokes and Prejudice: A Tale of Fixie and Fancy

Chapter 1: The Pedal of Politeness

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a fixie. However, little is known of the feelings or views of such a man on his first entering a neighbourhood. This truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families that he is considered as the rightful property of someone or other of their daughters.

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