Tag Archives: tracklocross

Living With ADHD


Last week was a difficult week for me, and so have the few before it. Sometimes you have to try and work out who you can trust and who you can’t. It can be very painful to be brutally stabbed in the back by someone you confided in. When money is involved, it is sadly predictable that they will try and use your mental health to destroy you after using it to make sure that they have a nicely feathered nest egg.

Anyway, onwards and upwards, and that is why I’m sharing this video. It is important to be vulnerable, the majority of people, such as my partner, will try and help you, and it is always worth remembering that.

Can a Master Courttek Tracklocross?

The question no one knew they needed to know the answer to, but now you realise you really need to know if the Master Courttek can tracklocross? Thankfully, the answer is in the video below: I took my Master Courttek to the local bike park, and we looked at jumps that will blow your mind; how did the bike do? Just watch.

Tracklocross Wheels a Guide

Wheels, your bike needs them. Try to ride your bike without wheels; you’re not going anywhere fast. Tracklocross is a style of cycling that doesn’t have many off-the-shelf options, especially if you want to run wider tyres. One of the best options is to always be a friend of your local bike shop and either get custom wheels from them or get them to tell reps to let companies know that you want tracklocross wheels. Indeed I believe this is why Halo now do an off-the-shelf option.

Continue reading Tracklocross Wheels a Guide

Fiefdom Tracklocross – The Shop

To make your life even better, I’ve started a little tracklocross shop. There will be more stuff to come, including parts, but to avoid procrastination, I’ve opened with some print-on-demand stuff. You can go to Fixed Gear Bike Shop, the stuff on it just now is available in the UK, but as it’s print-on-demand, I’ll add US, EU, and Asia options as well.

Fixated Vlog 2- More Trick Track Fixed Gear Shenanigans

Over on the YouTubes, I have decided to mess about with two vlogs a week. It is about time I tried to stick to a schedule, so from now on, I will post a Fixated vlog on Wednesday evenings (UK time) and my tracklocross vlogs on a Friday evenings. For the second video, I mess about with the trick track bike and turn it into a commuter and back again to fail at track stands and to make some interesting life choices at the skatepark.

Continue reading Fixated Vlog 2- More Trick Track Fixed Gear Shenanigans

Tracklocross Chronicles VLOG 2 – The Squid SO-EZ Tracklocross Build

The other day I posted my Squid SO-EZ on r/tracklocross, on Reddit if you didn’t know, and got many questions. I decided to make a little YouTube video to show the bike and hopefully answer a few of those questions. Got to say I love riding the SO-EZ tracklocross frameset, and I probably consider it more of a retro mountain bike than I do a track bike.

Continue reading Tracklocross Chronicles VLOG 2 – The Squid SO-EZ Tracklocross Build